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This involves the study of social groups or cultures in their natural setting, where researchers immerse themselves in the culture to understand it from the inside out. This method is used to uncover the culture's beliefs, practices, and values.

Our Best Expertise

Case study

This method involves studying a particular case or situation in depth, often using multiple sources of data such as interviews, observations, and documents. This method is used to understand complex phenomena in real-life situations.

Our Best Expertise

Content Analysis

This method involves analyzing written or spoken language to identify patterns or themes. This method is used to analyze media or other forms of communication to understand the content's meaning and messages.

Our Best Expertise

Focus Groups

This method involves gathering a small group of people to discuss a specific topic or issue. This method is used to understand people's opinions, beliefs, and attitudes towards a particular topic.

Our Best Expertise

Participatory Action Research

This method involves collaborating with research participants to co-create knowledge and identify solutions to social problems. This method is used to promote social change and empower marginalized communities.


Exploring the depth and complexity of social
issues with qualitative research

Qualitative research is a type of research that involves collecting, analyzing, and interpreting non-numerical data. This can include data such as words, texts, images, and videos. Qualitative research is often used to explore complex social phenomena and to understand people’s experiences, perspectives, and motivations.


Qualitative Research

Driven by a Mission

Qualitative Research

At Centre for Qualitative Research, we offer a range of qualitative research services to help our clients gain a deep and nuanced understanding of social issues and phenomena. Our team of experienced researchers is skilled in a variety of qualitative research methods, including interviews, focus groups, observations, and document analysis.

Our qualitative research services can be customized to meet the specific needs and objectives of our clients. This may include designing and conducting in-depth interviews with key stakeholders, organizing and facilitating focus groups to gather insights on specific topics or issues, observing and recording the actions and behaviors of individuals or groups in natural settings, or conducting document analysis to understand the context and implications of written or visual materials.

Our team is committed to ensuring the highest standards of research ethics and rigor, and we take care to ensure that all data collected is handled with the utmost confidentiality and respect. We provide detailed and transparent reporting of our findings, and can help our clients to translate our insights into actionable recommendations.

Overall, our qualitative research services offer a valuable tool for gaining a rich and nuanced understanding of social issues and for informing policy decisions, product development, and other critical decisions.


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Our Suite of Services

Our Qualitative Research Methods


Interviews involve structured or semi-structured conversations between the researcher and participants. Interviews can be conducted one-on-one or in a group setting and can be recorded or transcribed for analysis.

Focus groups

Focus groups involve a small group of people discussing a particular topic or issue under the guidance of a moderator. Focus groups can provide rich insights into group dynamics and collective perspectives.


Observations involve watching and recording the actions and behaviours of individuals or groups in a natural setting. Observations can be participatory (researcher involved) or non-participatory (researcher observer only).

Document analysis

Document analysis involves the interpretation and analysis of written or visual documents, such as news articles, social media posts, or policy documents. Document analysis can provide valuable insights into the context and implications of written materials.

ready to discuss your project to explore in-depth?

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Recent Research Projects

Research on Child Marriage

Identifying experiences and needs of adolescent girls and young women married before age 18 years

Outcome Assessment of the EPR Programme

To understand the process to integrate GMP into the well-established national EPI Program and to identify system factors influencing the integration process.

CQR Services


The purpose of this review is to assess the overall performance of the program entitytify strategic gaps and limitatis, and gather/capturevidence-baseded learning and best practices to inform future programming in light of contemporary



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