Outcome Assessment of the EPR Programme
To understand the process to integrate GMP into the well-established national EPI Program and to identify system factors influencing the integration process.
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Security and Rights of Women and Girls (SRWG)
Review program performance, find gaps and limitations, capture best practices, and learn from evidence to improve future programming.
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cqr research

Unifying Qualitative Research in Bangladesh

WE undertake an initiative to unite all qualitative researchers in Bangladesh where there are many opportunities and challenges exist for qualitative research and researchers.

Our initiative: Unify & strengthen qualitative research in Bangladesh. Goals: foster collaboration, elevate standards, enhance impact. Activities: workshops, seminars, conferences, networking. Emphasis: best practices, ethics, inclusivity. Join us to build a vibrant research community for positive impact.


Identifying experiences and needs of adolescent girls and young women married before
age 18 years

Outcome Assessment of the EPR Programme

To understand the process to integrate GMP into the well-established national EPI Program and to identify system factors influencing the integration process.

Review of the Security and Rights of Women and Girls (SRWG)

The purpose of this review is to assess the overall performance of the program entitytify strategic gaps and limitatis, and gather/capturevidence-baseded learning and best practices to inform future programming in light of contemporary
local and global contexts.

Research Completed In 2022

Sponsor: IFPRI
Research Type: Qualitative
Duration: November 10, 2022 to January 31, 2023

Research Objectives: This qualitative research study analyzes phone survey data of
short-term women migrants from Bangladesh who worked in Jordan’s garment sector to
identify key vulnerabilities experienced by women in this migration channel as well as
measures that could reduce these vulnerabilities.

CQR role: Training of Women enumerator, Phone Interview, transcriptions, report writing


Sponsor: Manusher Jonno Foundation
Research Type: Mixed Method
Duration: Jan 05 to Mar 30, 2022

Research Objectives: The purpose of this review is to assess the overall performance of
the programme, identify strategic gaps and limitations, and gather/capture evidencebased
learning and best practices to inform future programming in light of contemporary
local and global contexts. The review will cover issues regarding policies, practice areas,
partnerships, and programmatic approaches and modalities. The review will be
exploratory, theory and approach based, concentrating primarily on the effectiveness of
the strategies and interventions employed and capturing experiences, practice and
knowledge derived from the strategies and interventions

CQR role: Training of research team on data collection, Data collection, Data processing,


Sponsor: Manusher Jonno Foundation
Research Type: Mixed Method
Duration: September 1 to December 30, 2022

Research Objectives: To explore the achievement status of planned results and
performance of the EPR programme. This assessment aims to examine whether the
programme is on track in terms of attaining the outcomes. The strategies will also be
examined through this process to check its viability and effectiveness to realize the
programme’s outcome.
CQR role: Proposal development, Training of research team on data collection, Data
collection, Data processing, transcriptions, data analysis, report writing.


Identifying experiences and needs of adolescent girls and young women married before
age 18 years

Sponsor: World Vision International
Research Type: Mixed Method Research
Sample size: 2580 + 10 (Quan+Qual),
Coverage: 9 districts in 9 Divisions
Duration: July 1 to November 30, 2022


To strengthen WVB’s perspective on child, early and forced marriage (CEFM)
and its impact, by obtaining insights from girls who married before the age of 18.
CQR role: Proposal development, leading in country IRB submission and approval of the
research protocol, Training of research team on data collection, Data collection,
translation, Data processing, data analysis, report writing.
CQR Experiences


Sponsor: FHI360
Research Type: Mixed Method

Duration: July to Oct 30, 2022

Research Objectives: To understand the process to integrate GMP into the wellestablished
national EPI Program and to identify system factors influencing the
integration process.


Sponsor: Nutrition International
Research Type: Mixed Method

Duration: June to August 2022

Objective: To conduct a Sex and Gender Based Analysis (SGBA) to assess the current
status of gender sensitivity and responsiveness within the project, equity and equality in
access, considering intersectionality, and to provide recommendations for developing
short- and long-term strategies for promoting gender equality and implementing gender
responsive projects.


Sponsor: Plan International-Bangladesh

Research Type: Mixed Method

Duration: Jan 25 to May 30, 2022

Objective: The general objective of the study is to understand existing referral linkages
from community to the facilities for strengthening adolescent friendly healthcare services
and to understand perception and practice of the community to identify the gaps for




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